HMS Hood upgrade set for the Trumpeter kit

Photoetched details 1/700
Contains: Railings, 0.5" quad machine guns, 8 barrelled pom-poms, spotting top starfish assembly, anchors, lifebuoy racks, mainmast rigging, jack and ensign staffs, main boat boom tackle, various davits, semaphores, various ladders, 284 and gunnery radar, main director arm stays, stern boarding pole, searchlight lens cruciforms, type 279 radar assembly, spotting top yardarms, funnel cap grilles, foredeck ladders, wireless house aerial spreaders, mainmast starfish assembly, funnel housing vent grilles, spotting top station lights and aerial spreader, degaussing cables, anchor cables, boarding ladders, vertical and inclined ladders, doors, hatches and more!
For the Trumpeter kits.