German pocket battleships upgrade set

WEM 1/700 DKM Pocket Battleship (PE 758)
Includes parts for Graf Spee, Scheer & Lutzow/Deutschland. Contains standard 3-bar and 2-bar railings, half-height railings, handrail stock, main deck, quarterdeck, deck step and fo'c'sle railings, Arado Ar-196 seaplane parts, seaplane launch cradle, seaplane catapult with platform and pulley wheel, sea boat davits and frames and Stern Eagle crest.
Admiral Scheer & Admiral Graf Spee: standard crane jibs, crane rigging, searchlight platform supports, forward searchlight platform, foremast support platform, foretop director array, upper bridge windows, lower bridge windows, ‘Coronel’ plate, bow crests (Graf Spee and Admiral Scheer), crane hooks, mainmast lower footropes, foretop yardarm footropes, vertical ladder stock, mainmast antenna spreader (Admiral Scheer), crane rigging for 36 and capstan candwheels.
Deutschland/Lutzow: bow crests (Deutschland and Lutzow), mainmast wire spreader, port side crane jib, mainmast yardarm footropes (AS & GS), foretop yardarm footropes, main turret rangefinder arm hatches, main turret sighting hatches, foretop yardarm antenna array, mast top yardarms, marx floats, searchlight lens bars, searchlight platform supports (Deutschland), forward searchlight platform (Deutschland), sea boat thwarts, anchor chain, mainmast, FuMb4/7 radar antennas, director arm footbars, FuMo22/27 radar antennas, bridge wings (Deutschland), bridge wing supports and short, medium and long inclined ladders.